

ホーム / DGRCニュース / Newly launch Electronic Agreement for the Transfer Materials (eAgreement) system

Newly launch Electronic Agreement for the Transfer Materials (eAgreement) system

At the request of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan (MEXT), Kyoto DGRC has launched a new Electronic Agreement for the Transfer Materials (eAgreement) system to transfer the stocks to our users. All users who are going to order a stock need to read and sign the agreement by checking “Agree” checkbox and clicking “Send Agreement” button.

eAgreements simply put the shared, but not formally recorded agreement between DGRC users and DGRC, Kyoto Institute of Technology, in statutory form to establish conditions for the transfer of research materials and protect the rights of both the providing or recipient researchers and the university.

With this user-friendly and simple interface, we believe that we have minimized extra burden on the users. We would like to thank all our users for your understanding and continuing support.

〒616-8354 京都市右京区嵯峨一本木町1 Tel: 075-873-2660(代) / Fax: 075-861-0881 / jpn-fly@kit.jp Copyright © Drosophila Genetic Resource Center. All rights reserved.