

ホーム / セミナー情報 / ショウジョウバエ関連セミナー / 国内セミナー情報【2009年6月】


・Dr. Edwin S Levitan (University of Pittsburgh, USA) のセミナー
 日時: 6月 9日(火曜日) 12時半から13時半
 場所: 東京薬科大学生命科学部研究3号棟 12階 会議室G

  『 Neuropeptide vesicle motion in and through the nerve terminal 』
  Dr. Levitanはショウジョウバエの神経筋接合部においてシナプス小胞や有芯小胞の
  リサ イクリング、および、移動するメカニズムをイメージング技術や分子生物学的
  手法を 駆使して精力的に研究されています。
  (参考:Nat Neurosci. 2006,9:896-900. J Mol Neurosci. 2009.37:146-50. PNAS. 2008,

・Tzumin Lee 博士(Dept. Neurobiology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA)のセミナー
 演題:High-Resolution Cell Lineage Analysis and Neuronal Temporal Identity
    インテリジェント・モデリング・ラボラトリー (IML) 棟3階大会議室
  Every neuron in a mature brain is potentially unique. To elucidate how the enormous neuron diversity is derived, we have been determining patterns of neurogenesis and the influences of lineage on neuron-type specification. Using a novel MARCM technique, called "twin-spot MARCM", we seek to identify every single neuron in a protracted neuronal lineage. Intriguingly, neurons acquire stereotyped projections according to their temporal position within the lineage. Twin-spot MARCM further permits birth dating of mutant clones, enabling genetic mosaic analysis of neuronal temporal identity. In sum, with twin-spot MARCM, we may realistically begin the endeavor to identify every single neuron in the Drosophila brain. This will lay the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of brain development and function.

Ian A. Meinertzhagen 教授(Dept. Psychology & Neuroscience, Life Sciences Centre, Dalhousie Uni., Canada)のセミナー
日時 : 平成21年6月30日(火)11:00〜12:30
場所 : 東京大学分子細胞生物学研究所
インテリジェント・モデリング・ラボラトリー (IML) 棟3階大会議室
演題 : Synaptic circuits in the Drosophila visual system: Progress towards the wiring diagram of a fly's brain
要旨 :  Simple invertebrate nervous systems such as the brain of Drosophila have always offered the prospect to understand the substrate of animal behaviour as a series of synaptic circuits. With few exceptions, this objective has remained elusive for both structurally defined circuits and their functional validation by electrophysiology. In recent years, the genetic reagents available in Drosophila have been coupled with new imaging technologies to reawaken the goal of defining brain function as a wiring diagram of synaptic circuits. My lab is reconstructing circuits from different brain regions of the Drosophila brain by means of serial-section EM. EM is required to resolve synaptic contacts having a typical volumetric density of one synapse per um3, formed between identified neurons with processes down to <100 nm in diameter. Our recent work targets the optic lobe medulla, the largest neuropile of the fly's brain and a major obstacle in our understanding of fly vision.
Progress on this neuropile will be illustrated, and ideas on how that progress can contribute to knowledge of brain function will be discussed.
主催 : 東京大学分子細胞生物学研究所
〒616-8354 京都市右京区嵯峨一本木町1 Tel: 075-873-2660(代) / Fax: 075-861-0881 / jpn-fly@kit.jp Copyright © Drosophila Genetic Resource Center. All rights reserved.