

ホーム / セミナー情報 / ショウジョウバエ関連セミナー / 国内セミナー情報【2011年6月】


QECG2011: Linkage and Recombination in Genome Sequences
日時 : 2011年5月16日(月) - 6月3日(金)
場所 : OISTシーサイドハウス (MAP)
内容 :  The aim of the OIST Summer School and Workshop “Quantitative Evolutionary and Comparative Genomics” is to provide opportunities for young researchers with quantitative interests, skills, or backgrounds to learn how they can contribute to the splitting edge of genome science. QECG is a combination of lectures and a workshop. We will invite around 34 graduate students and post-graduate researchers. OIST will provide lodging and meals during the course and support travel expenses.
*OIST is deeply committed to the advancement of women in science, in Japan and worldwide. Women are strongly encouraged to apply.*
URL : http://www.oist.jp/qecg2011/


Fabrizio Gabbiani 先生のセミナー
日時 : 2011年6月8日(水) 16:30 - 17:30
場所 : 東京大学本郷キャンパス理学部2号館 (MAP)
演者 : Prof. Fabrizio Gabbiani (Department of Neuroscience, Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University, Houston, Texas)
演題 : Neural Computations Underlying Collision Avoidance Behaviors
内容 : これまでに動物が実際に行動する際に、単一神経細胞の神経生理学的な性質がどのように特定の計算を実行するプロセスに関わるのかはあまり分かっていませんでした。Gabbiani 先生はこの問題を解くために、バッタの衝突回避における視覚情報処理に着目して研究を行っています。ここ数年間でGabbiani 先生は視覚中枢の LGMD 神経の生理学的な動態がバッタの逃避行動を制御するための演算に使用されていることを示し、その研究成果は Neuron や Nature Neuroscience をはじめとする一流誌に 掲載され,国際的にも高く評価されています。
講演会の後は、Gabbiani 先生とDiscussionできるように大学内で小規模な懇親会を開催します。懇親会に参加希望の方は担当者までご一報いただけたらと思います。
要旨 :  Understanding how the brain processes sensory information in real-time to generate meaningful behaviors is one of the outstanding contemporary challenges of neuroscience. Visually guided collision avoidance behaviors are nearly universal in animals endowed with spatial vision and offer a favorable opportunity to address this question. This talk will summarize the progress that has been made towards understanding their generation at the level of neural networks, single neurons and their ion channels over the past fifteen years.
The focus will mainly be on a model system that has proven particularly favorable for this purpose, the locust brain, but will also tie the results learned in this preparation to studies carried out in a wide range of other species.

(1) Peron SP, Jones PW, Gabbiani F. Precise subcellular input retinotopy and its computational consequences in an identified visual interneuron. Neuron (2009) 63, 830-842.
(2) Peron SP, Gabbiani F. Spike frequency adaptation mediates looming stimulus selectivity in a collision-detecting neuron. Nat Neurosci (2009) 12, 318-326.
(3) Fotowat H, Harrison RR, Gabbiani F. Multiplexing of motor information in the discharge of a collision detecting neuron during escape behaviors. Neuron (2011) 69,147-158.
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