

ホーム / セミナー情報 / ショウジョウバエ関連セミナー / ANRRC 第1回会議終了

ANRRC 第1回会議終了

2009年9月22日ー25日に韓国・ソウルCOEXセンターにてAsian Network of Research Resource Centers(ANRRC)の第一回会議が開かれました。今会議はInternational Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories(ISBER)のアジア会議との合同開催でした。


日程 : 2009年9月22日(火)-25日(金)
会場 : 韓国ソウル COEXセンター
内容 : 
Plenary Lecture
Li HUANG(Institute of Microbiology, CAS, China)
Yuji KOHARA(National Institute of Genetics, Japan)
Yeonhee LEE(Korea National Research Resource Center, Korea)
Yuichi OBATA(RIKEN Tsukuba Institute and RIKEN BioResource Center, Japan)
Ki-hoon PARK(National Agrobiodibersity Center, Korea)

Session 1 : Joint seminar between Korea-China [9/23(Wed), 09:00~10:45]
1. Wenli CHEN (Huazhong Agricultural University, China)
2. Xiuzhu DONG (The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Microbiology, Microbial Resource Center, China)
3. Jie LI (Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS, China)
4. Renhui LI (Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS, China)
5. Jiashou LIU (Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS, China)
6. Yongding LIU (Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS, China)
7. Yongchun NIU (Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Agricultural Culture Collection of China, China)
8. Lirong SONG (Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS, China)
9. Bangding XIAO (Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS, China)
10. Yuguang ZHOU (China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center, CAS, China)
11. Jae-Seoun HUR (Korea Lichen & Allied Bioresource Center, Korea)
12. Sung-Bum HUR (Korea Marine Microlgae Culture Center, Korea)
13. Soon Yong PAIK (Waterborne Virus Bank, Korea)
14. Ki-Hyun RYU (Plant Virus Genbank, Korea)

Session 2 : Animal resources [9/23(Wed), 09:00~10:45]
1. Inho CHOI (Bovine Genome Resources Bank, Korea)
2. Nguyen Xuan DANG (Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam)
3. Jianfang GUI (Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS, China)
4. Tae-Lin HUH (Zebrafish Organogenesis Mutant Bank, Korea)
5. Chaweewan HUTACHARERN (Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden Insect Collection: A potential resource for research collaboration, Thailand)
6. Kiyoshi NARUSE (Laboratory of Bioresources, National Institute of Basic Biology, Japan)
7. Tadao SERIKAWA (Institute of Laboratory Animals, Kyoto University, Japan)
8. Anchalee TUNGTRONGCHITR (Medicine Sirirai Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand)

Session 3 : Joint seminar between Korea-India [9/23(Wed), 14:00~16:00]
1. Shripad Ramchander BHAT (National research Centre on Plant Biotechnology, India)
2. Akshay Kumar PRADHAN (University of Delhi South Campus, India)
3. Shyam Kumar SHARMA (National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, India)
4. Yaspal Singh SODHI (Mother Dairy Fruit and Vegetable Pvt Ltd, India)
5. Jae-Hoon KIM (Gene and Material Bank for Citrus Breeding, Korea)
6. Yong-Pyo LIM (Korea National Plant Research Resource Center, Korea)
7. Haktae LIM (Center for the Korea Potato Genetic Resources, Korea)
8. Deok-Chun YANG (Ginseng Genetic Resource Bank, Korea)

Session 4 : Human Resources [9/23(Wed), 14:00~16:00]
1. Geun-Ryang BAE (National Biobank of Korea, Korea)
2. Eng Chon BOON (NUH-NUS Tissue Repository, Dept. of Pathology, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
3. Robert HEWITT (Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg (IBBL), Luxembourg)
4. Yukio NAKAMURA (RIKEN Bioresource Center, Japan)
5. Peter H.J. RIEGMAN (Erasmus MC Tissue Bank (ISBER President), Netherlands)
6. THongjun YANG (Shanghai Clinical Research Center, China)
7. Tan Soo YONG (Singapore National Cancer Center, Singapore)

Session 5 : Joint seminar between Korea-Japan [9/24(Thu), 09:00~10:45]
1. Ryo AKASHI (Frontier Science Research Center, University of Miyazaki, Japan)
2. DMasatomo KOBAYASHI (RIKEN BioResource Center, Japan)
3. Yukio NAKAMURA (RIKEN BioResource Center, Japan)
4. Kiyoshi NARUSE (Laboratory of Bioresources, National Institute of Basic Biology, Japan)
5. Hironori NIKI (Genetic Strains Research Center, National Institute of Genetics, Japan)
6. Tadao SERIKAWA (Institute of Laboratory Animals, Kyoto University, Japan)
7. Ken-ichiro SUZUKI(National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Japan)
8. Masako TAKASHIMA (RIKEN BioResource Center, Japan)
9. Masatoshi YAMAMOTO (Drosophila Genetic Resource Center, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
10. Yukiko YAMAZAKI (National Institute of Genetics, Japan)
11. Dongho KIM (Korean Leukemia Bank, Korea)
12. Kyung-Yun CHO (Myxobacteria Bank, Korea)
13. Yong-Hwan LEE (Center for Fungal Genetic Resources, Korea)
14. Ja-Lok KU (Korean Cell Line Bank, Korea)

Session 6 : Plant Resources [9/24(Thu), 09:00~10:45]
1. Ryo AKASHI (Frontier Science Research Center, University of Miyazaki, Japan)
2. Batsukh BUYANCHIMEG (Plant Protection and Research Institute, Mongolian Agriculture University, Mongolia)
3. Masatomo KOBAYASHI (RIKEN BioResource Center, Japan)
4. Moonki PARK (Korea Herbal Cosmeceutical Material Bank, Korea)
5. Pham Huogn SON (Center of Experimental of Biology, Vietnam)
6. Suyanee VESSABUTR (Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden, Thailand)

Session 7 : Joint seminar between Korea-Vietnam [9/24(Thu), 14:00~16:00]
1. Le Xuan CANH (Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
2. Nguyen Xuan DANG (Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam)
3. Dang Tat THE (Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam)
4. Le Dinh THUY (Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam)
5. Hae Young CHUNG (Aging Tissue Bank, Korea)
6. Keeseon EOM (Parasite Resource Bank, Korea)
7. Daeyong HAN (Animal Bio Resources Bank, Korea)
8. Gon Sup KIM (Korea National Animal Bioresources Center, Korea)
9. Tai-soon YONG (Arthropods of Medical Importance Resource Bank, Korea)

Session 8 : Microorganism Resources [9/24(Thu), 14:00~16:00]
1. Jaisoo KIM (Kyonggi University, Korea)
2. Yongding LIU (Genetic Strains Research Center, National Institute of Genetics, China)
3. Hironori NIKI (Genetic Strains Research Center, National Institute of Genetics, Japan)
4. Yongchun NIU (Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Agricultural Culture Collection of China)
5. Maria Auxilia T. SIRINGAN (Natural Science Research Institute, University of the Philippines, Philippines)
6. Chang-Il SUH (Catholic University of Korea, Korea)
7. Ken-Ichiro SUZUKI (National Institute of Technology and Evaluation, Japan)
8. Masako TAKASHIMA (RIKEN BioResource Center, Japan)

Session 9 : Bioinformatics [9/25(Fri), 09:00~11:00]
1. Srikanth ADIGA (Krishagni Solution Pvt. Ltd, India)
2. Jong-Hwa BHAK (Korean Bioinformation Center, Korea)
3. Suchada CHAYAMPORN (Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization), Thailand)
4. Jan-Eric LITTON (Karolinska Institutet Biobank, Sweden)
5. Juncai MA (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Microbiology, Information Center, China)
6. Yukiko YAMAZAKI (National Institute of Genetics, Japan)

Session 10 : Policy and Strategy [9/25(Fri), 09:00~11:00]
1. Visut BAIMAI (Thailand Biodiversity Research and Training Program, Thailand)
2. Le Xuan CANH (Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology,
3. Gabriel O. ROMERO (Department of Agriculture Crops Biotechnology Center, and Curator, Genebank, Philippine Rice
Research Institute, Philippines)
4. Masatoshi YAMAMOTO (Drosophila Genetic Resource Center, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)

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