

ホーム / スタッフ紹介 / 産学官連携研究員:大迫 隆史

産学官連携研究員:大迫 隆史

Email: ohsako

研究テーマ Research Interests:
spermatogenesis, fertilization

原著論文 Recent Publications:

  • Ogura, K., Ohsako, T., Yamamoto, M.-T. A rapid decrease in number of the complete ninja element and concomitant increase of the defective element in a strain of Drosophila simulans. Genetica 2005 124:99-106
  • Hirai, K., Toyohira, S., Ohsako, T., Yamamoto, M-T. Isolation and cytogenetic characterization of male meiotic mutants of D. melanogaster. Genetics 2004 166:1795-1806
  • Ohsako, T., Hirai, K., Yamamoto, M.-T. The Drosophila misfire gene has an essential role in sperm activation during fertilization. Genes Genet. Syst. 2003 78(3):253-266
  • Ohsako, T., Horiuchi, T., Matsuo, T., Komaya, S., Aigaki, T. Drosophila lola encodes a family of BTB-transcription regulators with highly variable C-terminal domains containing zinc
    finger motifs. Gene 2003 311:59-69
  • Aigaki, T., Ohsako, T., Toba, G., Seong, K.-H. and Matsuo, T.
    The gene search system: its application to functional genomics and a screen for longevity genes in Drosophila melanogaster.J. Neurogenet. 2001 15: 1-10.
  • Toba, G., Ohsako, T., Miyata, N., Ohtsuka, T., Seong, K.H., Aigaki, T. The gene search system. A method for efficient detection and rapid molecular identification of genes in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 1999 151(2):725--737

  • Ohsako, T., Fuyama, Y. Drosophila albomicans, a new member of parthenogenetic Drosophila. D. I. S. 1995 76:150

  • Ohsako, T., Aotsuka, T., Kitagawa, O.
    The origins of the Japanese mainland population of Drosophila albomicans. Jpn J. Genet. 1994 69(2):183--194

著書 Books:
大迫隆史・相垣敏郎. 第2部 様々な対象を観察・記録する 第1章 生体を観察・記録する 1.ショウジョウバエ 細胞工学別冊「顕微鏡フル活用術イラストレイテッド」 pp. 100-104.

Last modified at 30th October 2003
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